What subwoofer to choose for 2 ch and HT combined

I'm interested in finding a subwoofer that blends very nicely for 2 channel music yet delivers convincing base for home theater. I've heard very good things about the James, REL, Velodyne, and a few others but haven't really listened to many in a high end system. I will use for both 2 channel and HT systems but 2 channel is my dominant interest.

The sound of my system tends towards the warmer side with all Meadowlark speakers, VTL Amps, Ayre CD, and EAD Pre-Pro running analog through for 2 channel. My budget is under $3000. Thanks in advance for your advice.

Showing 1 response by thewebgeek

I myself would recommend a UFW 12 sub with R-DES digital equalization from AV123.com. They have a fast, and musical bass response, and the controls on the back of these units allow for a high degree of flexibility. The R-DES is basically a room correction system for your sub, allowing you to really flatten the fr of the sub in your room.

Link: http://www.av123.com/products_product.php?section=subwoofers&product=8.1

I would also invest in a decent set of sub cables that are able to deliver fast, solid bass.