What subwoofer to choose for 2 ch and HT combined

I'm interested in finding a subwoofer that blends very nicely for 2 channel music yet delivers convincing base for home theater. I've heard very good things about the James, REL, Velodyne, and a few others but haven't really listened to many in a high end system. I will use for both 2 channel and HT systems but 2 channel is my dominant interest.

The sound of my system tends towards the warmer side with all Meadowlark speakers, VTL Amps, Ayre CD, and EAD Pre-Pro running analog through for 2 channel. My budget is under $3000. Thanks in advance for your advice.

Showing 1 response by bignerd100

Since you have a pretty top-notch 2ch set-up I would not compromise it any more than I had to. A pair of subs with a high degree of adjustability running off of the speaker taps would be the best way. This way you would be completely out of the signal path and could switch the subs off if you desired. This would mean sending full range torturous bass from movie soundtracks to your main speakers. If they dont distort without the subs durring movies I wouldnt worry about damaging the speakers.

I like the Martin Logan Depth personally. Room size and sub placement will dictate what works best for you though. You will want a sub whos lowpass slope compliments the LF rolloff of your Meadowlarks. The Vandersteen 2Wq/2W is worth looking at too.

Good luck!