What stereo equipment do respected musicians listen to?

With all the debate on this piece of equipment is better than that, it got me to thinking… What setup do well respected musicians have, e.g. amps, speakers, etc.  What does Wynton Marsalis listen to, for example?  Just curious and thought it might be a fun topic. 


Showing 3 responses by wolf_garcia

Most serious musicians don't make enough money for a hobby like audio and they have to spend bucks on their instruments and the like. I've done decades as a "working musician" (along with some other far more lucrative things which have funded my gear issues and retirement status) and it's amazing how utterly clueless some talented players are regarding audio, including pro sound, and hey...that's just fine...I'll take care of it no problemo...However, I have met a few in my live sound mixing world (my other music related gig) who are audio geeks and those are some serious pros. Rare, but as I've said before, they're about the same percentage as regular people. And that's a minority. 

"Musicians and recording engineers tend to listen to music deconstructively"...no, they don't...some might but still...Generalizations like this are just silly...Did you read my previous post? Also, many musicians can retain hearing after years of abusing it, and their taste...and mastering engineers...how old is Bob Clearmountain? Bob Ludwig? 

Yoyo...It's not engineers but the producers who have the last call on the sound of a recording, so the 2-4k range issue isn't a thing for engineers as it's the producers and mastering technicians who would notice anything like that during final mixdown and mastering. Also, the range of hearing loss is generally in higher frequencies than the 2-4k you claim...more often 10k and above. So the "few recordings"  where you hear the supposed issue is something else...ear wax buildup maybe? My comment about musicians and money is based on fact and certainly NOT a generalization, as I'm actively professionally involved in the music biz and have been since the late sixties.