What steps forward were actually steps backward?

I'm always fascinated to read about how many "upgrades" were improvements, and that very few were actually disappointing and could be considered a "downgrade". Are we all so knowledgeable and incisive that all our hardware purchases are always for the better?

Who is willing to admit that their "upgrade" was a "downgrade"?

Showing 1 response by rgodin

Getting rid of my Bel Canto DAC-2 in favor of SACD was a sorry move. At least I was able to get a replacement DAC-2 here for a fair price and dump the SACD player.

I don't want my components to be musical, I want them to be accurate so I can hear the music as recorded. I don't like warm or sweet or any other type of coloration. I want an accurate presentation so that the music has a chance to be heard and hopefully, be musical.