What spinning on your turntable today and how does it sound?

    I know there are many threads on whats playing ,but I have been thinking .How about we do an all vinyl thread
and give a brief description of how it sounds and the pressing .I think this will not only turn us on to new music and remind us of some stuff we have forgotten,but also give us an idea of what to look for without the obvious searches on hot wax etc...


Showing 9 responses by oleschool

8 bks and a good clean and it sounds great as does aja but thats another post lol .. Bring em on 
and turn your tt off lol . Remember when your old gerrard lifted up at the end of an lp and returned lol 
Hey shepard
 whats the label and year if ya dont mind?

    I think this will be fun and also help alot when i or anyone here is thumbing thru and searching out vinyl .
     Of course there are other much more detailed sources for this but i havn't heard billy idol in awhile you reminded me of him ,I have hung out with him many times over the yrs.Stevie is a serious guitarist of the top order...
steely dan.. Gaucho ...1980  mca 
Seve Hillage fish rising  1975 virgin 
Jeff Beck star cycle 1980 cbs 
i love this...lol 
astro i will search out that mazzy 
i have tattoo you also sounds great ....
Thanks fork i am checking into this one...
thats new to me i wil have to check them out.. NOone wants to chime in on there vinyl today i guess
nice i need to try Fleetwood Mac Rumours 45 and the G.Dead american beauty I hear there good also .
Jeff Beck with jon Hammer group...1978 cbs epic
Genesis Trick of the tail Japan charisma 1978 one of the best trick pressings
James Gang thirds abc dunhill great album
David Torn cloud about mercury ( my copy is a little poppy but some great guitar work (with bill bruford,tony levin,mark isham) 1980 ecm
Eagles  one of these nights ...embossed asylum records ....sounds great 
Rush signals ...1982 mercury soso bass heavy to me