What speakers can make a convert of Maggie lovers?

After living with Magneplanars for many years (1.6qr's at present,) I'm wondering what other speakers Magneplanar owners have fallen for. I'm sure this topic must have covered before, but this site's search engine leaves a lot to be desired. There are many things that I like about Maggies, the expansive soundstage, well integrated drivers, and value for the money among their many virtues. Ideally, I'd like speakers that would have better low level detail and palpability, be less picky about amplification, and have better percusive/ dynamic qualities. The need for augmentation with a subwoofer would ok. My listening room is about 15x20' with a 12' ceiling height. I don't favor any one type of music, my tastes are musically omnivorous. Price of contenders would have to be no more than $5-6,000 new. Of course, something less expensive like the Gallos would be fine too, it's good to have money left over to buy more music. I know everyone says "go listen at your dealers." I've done that, but I find dealer's rooms sound so cruddy compared to my acoustically treated room that I can't make really meaningful comparisons.
Sorry Photon, I did not read your thread carefully. The Definitions come out (new) way over your budget. The Druids with their matching sub will do you fine, brand spanking new; and as Macrojack stated: a money back guarantee that you can't beat with a stick.
I replaced my 1.6's with Energy Veritas 2.3i's and don't regret if for a minute. I loved the hughe soundstage the Maggie's had and didn't think I could match it with a conventional speakers, but the Veritas do. And, they do much more.

However, if I were in the same position today I would probably go with a pair of Ushers. I could not afford the one's I heard (CP-8571 II), but sound even close, these are the one's I would get.
I am going to second the Von Shweikerts. Maggie tranparency with awesome weight and authority. I have the VR 7's
Some of the recommendation are well above your stated target price. The Zu Druids sell for more like half of what you have budgeted and do everything you're looking for in splendid fashion. And dealer showrooms are not an issue since Zu sells factory direct. They offer up to 90 days in home trial so you can decide at home on your own time.
I use Druids now but I have owned Sound Lab, Magnepan, Accoustat, Quad and numerous very transparent boxes like Aerial and Avalon. Zu bests all of them in the ways you are seeking.
If you don't mind a small sweet spot, the innersound eros speakers are special. Also, sound labs make very fine electrostats. Either will cost several times more than your Maggie 1.6 speakers. Before you switch, are you sure you are getting everything from your maggies? The mye stands and loads of clean power really bring maggies to life.
I owned the Magnaplanar Tympani 1Ds way back in 1979 and would probably still own them today if I had the room and power. That was a long time ago, but I never had as much fun enjoying a speaker until my Zu Definition 1.5s. Like the Maggies back then with a sound un to their own, the Zucable Definitions are so live, dynamic, powerful, detailed,holographic and "planar" fast: it is like nothing I ever heard before. Different sound, but the same feeling and fun I had with the Maggies. peace, warren
After long love affairs with Maggies, Acoustats, and the InnerSound Eros electrostatic hybrid, I ended up going to the VMPS RM30. To me it represents terrific bang for the buck.

The three planar midrange drivers span the range from about 250Hz to 10kHz, and the FST ribbon super tweeter is excellent. The latest version has impressive high frequency dispersion and you can sit well off axis and still hear a full balanced soundstage.

The dynamics are excellent and the efficiency is higher than the ML or Eminent Tech speakers. Meaning they will play louder and more dynamically in your size room.

I have mine in a 14 x 30 ft room with a very high vaulted ceiling, and the soundstage is immense while the instruments remain precisely focused and detailed. I'm getting excellent results using the NuForce Reference 9 amplifiers which are exceedingly clean, detailed, and dynamic. Plus they have great bass control which definitely benefits the VMPS woofer complement.
Hey Y'all,

Von Schweikert Audio. I have a freind, also an Audiogoner, that was a big Maggies fan. He now owns Von Schweikert DB-99s and he loves them. They are very easy to drive and, with the powered sub unit, you get all the bass you could want........John
I can't say that Martin Logan CLS's are not picky when it comes to amplification, but when it comes to low level resolution/detail they made me sell my 3.6's. You get single driver coherance and no crossover. Unfortunately, ML stopped producing them. I've owned MG2B's, 3.6's and still have a pair of MMG's that I enjoy. I would try an ESL and see if you like it. Magnepan makes a great product, Martin Logan also makes a great product and each have their own strenghts.
Vandersteen 3A or 2CE Signatures have many of the virtues of the Magnepan in an esy to use package. The Linkwitz Orion is also an excellent alternative if dipole operation is desired. If only a true planar magnetic will do, the Eminent Technology LFT-8a couples panels to a sealed box dynamic woffer with excellent results. Do some research and try to listen to these if the opportunity arises. Good luck.