There are few who use the Diablo 300 with Marten Parker Duo speakers. Here is one.
I will receive the Diablo 300 soon, speakers are Marten Duke 2 and Graham LS5/9.
What Speakers are you running with your Gryphon Amp?
I have a Gryphon Diablo 300 with the DAC module, B&W 803 D2 speakers, and am looking to upgrade my speakers. I recently uplifted my system with Nordost Valhalla 2 speaker cables, an Innuos Phoenix USB reclocker for my Innuos Zenith Mk 3 streamer, an Audioquest Dragon high current cord for my amp. With these updates my system levelled up - way, WAY more than I ever expected. I can’t get over the relaxed, effortless detail I’m getting now. Also thinking of adding a Niagara 5000 with a Dragon power cord as well.
However, I’ve now tested four top-tier speakers with the Diablo 300 / DAC module, and I have not enjoyed the sound of ANY of them anywhere near as much as I enjoy my system at home now, with my B&W 803 D2’s. The speakers I’ve tested, with my cords and speaker cables, are:
None of these speakers have come close to anything I could live with, however they did have some impressive qualities. I’ve half a mind to give up since I love my current system so much with the recent upgrades. But, I still feel like I could get even more detail, air, and imaging with a speaker upgrade, but I’d just love to get that while still keeping that effortless detail and naturalness I’m enjoying at home now.
Gryphon owners - what speakers have you had success with? I keep hearing that Rockports are "natural" and might consider travelling to a dealer that has both them and Gryphon in-house, since I have none close to me. Or maybe I need to consider ribbon speakers?