what speaker new or used for 5k?

Looking to upgrade my speakers right now I Have the Vienna Acoustics Mosart Grands. Equipment is the Parasound a21 amp p5 pre amp and Marantz sa8001 sacd and two REL t9 subs. Mosaic speaker cable and Interconnects, in a 16 x 20 room with 7ft drop ceilings.

Showing 2 responses by soix

Without knowing what specifically you're looking to improve upon it's not possible to make a good recommendation IMO. I will say in that price range I'd look at Joseph Audio Pulsar, Vandersteen Treo/Quatro, and Reference 3a Grand Veena. I'd guess any of those could yield improvements in overall resolution, imaging, and soundstaging if any of those areas are of importance to you. Best of luck.
I actually think you're on the right path looking for new speakers given the improvements you're looking for. Read the review below, and in the comparison section the Thiels were better in imaging, soundstaging, and midrange detail (albeit at the cost of sounding relatively thin). Point is, when directly compared in the same system it becomes apparent there are speakers that are better than the VAs in precisely those areas you're looking to improve upon -- not that the VA's are bad at all in these areas, just not as strong as some others. I'd expect the speakers I recommended earlier (along with several others listed above) would show similar improvements while avoiding the thinness and relative lack of bass of the Thiels. And I also think your amp and pre are good enough to let those benefits come through (assuming the amp has enough power of course) although I'd eventually look to upgrade them too. Anyway, hope this helps and best of luck whichever way you go.
