What speaker could safely be ordered without hearing it first?

Hi everyone,

I’m in the midst of my speaker search and curious about something.......as noted above. There are some brands I would be interested in based on reputation, reviews, looks etc but may never be able to hear first.

I’m curious what the collective group thinks would be a safe choice having never heard them first. I know there are variables as in size of room, current gear etc. Just want to see what people would suggest. The one I would note based on what I have read is Joseph Audio. I’d also be curious if people would say the same about Borresen.

So it may be a frivolous exercise but I’ll ask the question anyway. Let me know your thoughts.


Showing 1 response by musicfan2349

@mtbiker29 , no. Just no.

As others have mentioned, there is no substitute for auditioning candidate speakers. Case in point: I was intrigued by a certain open baffle speaker vendor's product. Reviews are mostly positive and the quality seemed to be good. Then last year I heard a pair at PAF and was sorely disappointed in what I heard. And it wasn't just the room. They just didn't sound good to my ears.

The moral of the story here is, if you do order up some speakers, I'd be very clear on what the return/exchange policy is.

Good luck and... Happy listening.