What speaker could safely be ordered without hearing it first?

Hi everyone,

I’m in the midst of my speaker search and curious about something.......as noted above. There are some brands I would be interested in based on reputation, reviews, looks etc but may never be able to hear first.

I’m curious what the collective group thinks would be a safe choice having never heard them first. I know there are variables as in size of room, current gear etc. Just want to see what people would suggest. The one I would note based on what I have read is Joseph Audio. I’d also be curious if people would say the same about Borresen.

So it may be a frivolous exercise but I’ll ask the question anyway. Let me know your thoughts.


Showing 1 response by lucky_doggg7

Magico A1...  It's small but boy oh boy that little bookshelf speaker can belt it out.  It's spendy though, used around $5K or $6K with stands, new, add about +$3K to that.  On a more reasonable level, how about a Bowers & Wilkins 805 D3 or 804 D3 (D4 is the current gen), first or second generation Focal mini Utopia's, and lastly, Raidho - that's another bookshelf that is quite impressive.  But, where the rubber meets the road, you gotta go and listen to it.  Happy speaker hunting.