What speaker cable made a major difference in the sound quality of your speakers??

I am curious what speaker cables made a big "jaw dropping difference" in the sound quality of your current speakers.  What most impressed you about the difference;  that is, overall musicality, tighter, deeper bass, midrange clarity and soundstage depth, etc.etc. 

Keep the price of the speaker cables chosen or auditioned at  between $800- $1000 or  from  $1000-$1500. Was the cable bought new or used??

  Thank you,   SJ


Showing 4 responses by sunnyjim

To aka-ca.  Now that you have sufficiently schooled the membership in the art and science of selecting speaker cable.  Let me respond:

I agree with your points 1) and 2)

On point three where you state...." THAT JAW DROPPING IMPROVEMENT is a highly biased anecdotal and personal value judgement.  at best..."  I can assure you that none of the psychological social adjectives you attached to the phrase "jaw dropping" were conjured up by me in the dead of night paging through either the Alchemist and Freudian dictionary, and then touching my nose and spinning around three times to select the word "jaw dropping"  That was the best word I could think at the time, and there was no hidden second meaning implied.  You seem to have a word sensitivity problem, or an exponent of the French School of linguistic deconstruction. You are over-parciing  the  context of the thread

Most members realize or know that the improvement offered by speaker cables costing between $500-1000 is only marginal, and that some  improvement  should be "probably" heard with a $1500 pair of speaker cables compared to a $500 pair of cables. However, that is not a given.  In the same  way, that a $5000 pair of speaker cables will not necessarily provide 3 and half times sound improvement over the $1500..speaker cables. That may be the first commandment of high-end audio: that incremental improvement of sound can not be necessarily attained doubling or tripling the buyer's outlay of money That may be true across the board for other audio components.  Yet in the chart of price vs performance ratio, there are bumps along the way. For example, Clear Day Cable '"Double Shotgun" speaker cable is extraordinarily good value for the money, and that almost applies to Audio Art 5se cable( though, I happened to like the sound of the Clear Day cable which I auditioned at home, and owned the less expensive  AA SC5 speaker cable. 

Lastly, I think it would be informative and helpful if member Akg-ca  before making what seems like "insider" power point proclamations, list his components, especially the cables used so we can understand and evaluate the level of his audio system

Thank you to other members who responded so far.   SJ

To Maurice:   Can you describe what you like about the Clear Day Double Shotgun speaker cable. In your opinion what improvement in sound quality did it offer and  were distinctly audible.

I auditioned Clear Day Single Shotgun and thought it very good, but a tad on the bright side.  At the time I was using Acoustic Zen Hologram II speaker cable. which retailed for $1500  for a an 8 foot pair. My speakers at the time were the AZ Adagios. Overall I thought the AZ cable was smoother.  I ask Paul at Clear day if he had a 6 ft pair of Double Shotgun, but he did not have them available the 2 times I asked him  He is good guy and easy to work with.  

Thanks again to all who responded. The response has been very good and informative.  SJ 

Thanks to all who responded since my last response and also before.  I have been out of the loop for a while and trying to avoid impulse buying or "audio nervosa"

To stringreen, I 've  seen several  recommendations for   Clear Day speaker cables on this thread, and actually, as mentioned. above, auditioned about 5 years ago, the single Shotgun cable which I thought was very good. I might see if Paul has a 6 ft pair  of the Double ShotGun cable for loan and audition.

To lowrider. I never followed up on Grover Huffman's offer of trading up to his newest speaker cable.  I might just have him terminate them with banana plugs. the bare wire that the previous owner of the cable used.  I love the sound of Harmonic Technology Pro 11+ cable, I  currently use, but they are a 12 ft pair and  awkward to lay out because of their girth and use  with cable risers.  The older model of the Huffman cable sounded very good; and,  I can always use for backup or bi-wiring.  I will probably try the Clear Day Cable and if I think it out performs the HT cable, then I will go with that in a shorter length   

Cheers., SJ..  .  

To hiici,  I have gone that cheap speaker cable route. Actually I bought a pair of speaker cables on e-bay for $65.00 for a 10 ft pair about 3 years ago. i was amazed how well they were made. I liked them at first but after about 50 hours, they began to sound harsh and very bright. I traded them in with a Rega table to The Music Room for something, I can't remember

******  HOWEVER, Has anyone listened to or own a pair of Tellurium Q Black speaker cable. I have seen them mentioned on Audiogon a few times. They sell online for $495.00 for a 3 meter pair.  There are a few reviews around: Hi-Fi Pig and Audio Chews.  Not exactly main stream journals, but each review honestly claimed the Tellurium may enhanced what you already hearing, nothing spectacular, but both claimed excellent musicality and detail without edge.. Any feedback would be great.  Cheers to all. S.J.