What speaker cable made a major difference in the sound quality of your speakers??

I am curious what speaker cables made a big "jaw dropping difference" in the sound quality of your current speakers.  What most impressed you about the difference;  that is, overall musicality, tighter, deeper bass, midrange clarity and soundstage depth, etc.etc. 

Keep the price of the speaker cables chosen or auditioned at  between $800- $1000 or  from  $1000-$1500. Was the cable bought new or used??

  Thank you,   SJ


Showing 1 response by hiici

For a period of a couple years I went through high priced Tara labs, MIT, Kimber, Cardas and finally top of the line Marigo, also use for interconnects.  I also played around with cheap cable just to see if I could here a difference and although I believe you can probably find a cheap cable that sounds awesome  but I gave up after a couple cheap cable attempts.

The Marigo warmed up the sound better than any other cable with my system.   Kimber were too tinny and MIT too flat.

I don't think many people know about Marigo but for my system the best, I believe the components play a large part in how a cable will sound and my NHT 3.3s a little bright on the high end may be the reason Marigo work best for me.  Also was using a Plinius SA-250 and Sonic Frontiers pre-amp when i settled on Marigo