What solid amp to pair with DiaLogue Premium Preamplifier ?

Hi everyone, any input regarding pairing the PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium Preamplifier with a solid state amp 100-200watts in 8ohm ?
My speakers are bbc design 5/9 are said to sound better with power between 100 to 150/200 watts.
What have you guys tried that worked well, I like my music to be musical with as much detail as possible, but without sounding clinical or thin sounding.

Looking forward for some input.


Showing 1 response by jackd

If you want new and Class AB your best bang for the buck are Odyssey and Van Alstine though Klaus at Odyssey has quite the backlog so used would be your best bet with remainder of 20 year warranty.  If budget is larger then more options.