What should I plug my system into?

I just got my first high-end system, and without further ado plugged it all into a $5 power strip I got from the supermarket. As I read more, however, I see that one can spend thousands of dollars on line conditioners and other hi-tech gear designed to "clean" the power supply and otherwise work wonders when plugging in. I had no idea this stuff existed. At any rate, I suspect that, whether or not my ears can detect a difference in sound, it might be worthwhile using something a lttle better than a $5 power strip. Your suggestions would be much-appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by garfish

I have a high quality system capable of high resolution and have tried many different power strips including the $5-10. variety-- they generally sound terrible. If you must use a power strip for its many outlets, look for a good one, ie I now use a Monster HTS 1000 ($100.) for accessories, and short term have used it for components. It does not seem to color or degrade music quality/character.

That said, I use Synergistic Research Master Couplers (power cords) plugged into Hubbell Audio grade outlets that are the end of my dedicated AC system. All of this promotes a very low noise floor, quickness, deep tight bass, a pristine mid-range and smooth grain-free treble. You probably need a high quality system to take advantage of cleaned up AC system though. But it ALL contributes to final sound quality. Take it one step at a time, and listen, listen, listen. Good Luck, and Cheers. Craig
Bomarc; Where do you get this "snake oil I keep hearing about? I assume it's a stereo "tweak" of some kind;>). Is it expensive enough to be suitable for audiophiles? Actually, in my youth, some friends and I ate a rattlesnake and found it to be, smooth, and sweet with a delicate flavor-- no oil, or oily taste either. Audiophile food I think;>). Cheers. Craig