What should I plug my system into?

I just got my first high-end system, and without further ado plugged it all into a $5 power strip I got from the supermarket. As I read more, however, I see that one can spend thousands of dollars on line conditioners and other hi-tech gear designed to "clean" the power supply and otherwise work wonders when plugging in. I had no idea this stuff existed. At any rate, I suspect that, whether or not my ears can detect a difference in sound, it might be worthwhile using something a lttle better than a $5 power strip. Your suggestions would be much-appreciated.

Showing 1 response by bomarc

You were better off when you had no idea they existed. A good surge protector is good insurance. APC is a quality brand. As for the other stuff, if you want to spend the money and you think you can hear the difference, go for it. If you'd rather not spend the money, just keeping repeating, "Snake oil. Snake oil."