What should I do - PS Audio DAC with or without Preamp

Question for the insightful A-gon community. I have a Schiit Freya + preamp, but...just bought a PS Audio DirectStream Junior DAC w/ preamp capabilities. Given my modest set-up (I've listed my system), should I continue with the Freya+ or bypass it and use the DS Jr. as a preamp. Other than streaming my library and Qobuz with Roon, I only play CDs - if that matters.


Showing 3 responses by ghdprentice

๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Š For most every system this is true. The preamp is the heart and soul of a system.



Yes you are correct. Tell us what you hear. My money is on keeping the preamp, so will be interested in hearing.

Congratulations on your purchase.


Typically systems sound better with a preampโ€ฆ most of the time and significantly. But occasionally they will sound better without. Typically without a preamp they will sound very detailed, but flat and without soul. However, given the high quality of the DAC vs the rest of your equipment you will have to try it.

I would put your new DAC in your system and get it broken in. In this time you will get to know what it sounds like. Then switch to direct. If it is not immediately obvious which is better.. then when you switch back to using the preamp it should be.