What should I do

I have an Esoteric player ,Gamut C2R pre Amp am Gamut D200 Amp and Harbeth 30.1 speakers (crazy about) I now live in condo so late night listening gone. I need to get headphones.Do I just get a high end headphone amp like WOO and HD800 headphones? OR trade or sell Gamut equipment and get intergated amp with headphone amp like Luxman or Rogue's new intergated. What will sound better with speakers I love and HD800 headphones. Problem nowhere I can go to compare.So can anyone help.Thanks

Showing 1 response by onhwy61

What sort of late night hours and dB levels are you talking about. Are there neighbors above, below and/or next to your listening room? Talk to your neighbors about what you're doing, even invite them over for a listen. It actually might be better for everyone if you did some sound transmission inhibiting reconstruction to your listening room. Different equipment might not be the optimal solution.