What should I choose??

I have the old B&W 802d's.  I also have the older, first generation, Bryston 14bsst amp (now 15 years old). Both of them are performing well and are in mint shape.  My question is this:  I am interested in the new Bryston 14cubed amp...and I am also interested in the new B&W 802D'3.  But I can't afford to do both.  Should I focus on getting the amp first or the speakers?  Please, I don't need to be told to buy amps or speakers other then the ones I am asking about as I am a big fan of my system.  I just know that B&W has reworked their D series and that Bryston has done the same with their amps.  thanks, Jim

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The newer Brystons have a somewhat gentler and more subtle sound, to my way of hearing. Does that help?