What should I be looking for when buying my 1st Reel To Reel ?

Good day everyone, This forum has never failed me, so here I am again, I would like to know from experienced Reel to Reel enthusiasts, what a first time buyer should be looking for and any particular brand they have had success with,I have done a little research and know I should be looking for 71/2 -Ips-15-Ips, but the foggy area for me is this: I am mostly interested in playback, so do I need a 2 track, 4 track, etc,I don't want to spend for something I don't need, however unit quality and sound of course is most important criteria, any thoughts recommendations or comments are most welcome



Showing 2 responses by petg60

Spares availability, ease of maintenance, condition of unit and heads.

These were three things i checked when bought my Revox B77II (second hand).

A good technician is required to align and check the deck (for your preferred tape also) as most likely you will obtain it from the secondhand market.

If you opt for best sound quality 7,5 & 15 ips 2 track but 3,75 & 7,5 4 track is very convenient too.

Good luck.