What should I be looking for when buying my 1st Reel To Reel ?

Good day everyone, This forum has never failed me, so here I am again, I would like to know from experienced Reel to Reel enthusiasts, what a first time buyer should be looking for and any particular brand they have had success with,I have done a little research and know I should be looking for 71/2 -Ips-15-Ips, but the foggy area for me is this: I am mostly interested in playback, so do I need a 2 track, 4 track, etc,I don't want to spend for something I don't need, however unit quality and sound of course is most important criteria, any thoughts recommendations or comments are most welcome



Showing 2 responses by mgattmch

In terms of quality I recommend; 15ips, 2T and IEC equalization for the very best results. There is a lot more music on R2R tape than you think, here is a list I work from:


For me, very simple, the best source of sound I have ever heard. For example, I own a 15ips copy of Lyn Stanley live at Bernies. All I can say is wow! Probably the best recoded and sounding music source I have ever heard. That good, really does sound like being at a live concert. Look here for more details on this recording:


This is a $750 tape (including tax, S&H).

The other reason to own a R2R tape desk is; why do you think virtually all high end manufacturers use them to demonstrate their products at HiFi Shows?