What's your profession? Age?

Just thought after the "how much is your system worth" post that it would be nice to see what all these people do to get $80K systems, and perhaps how long it takes. I'm a 29-year old economist for the gov., just completeed my Ph.D. last month, and my system is at about $10K. Just a pup hoping to keep upgrading...

Showing 2 responses by newmanoc

I'm a 42 year old forensic psychiatrist. I am just getting back into audio, and my system retails for about $4500. I would like to upgrade to a system in the 12k - 15k retail range at some point, though I would want to buy a lot of it used for about half that price. I believe in enjoying life, and great sound is a part of that, but only a part. There are so many other things to spend money on. I believe firmly in diminishing returns. I hope I am always interested only in sound, not in equipment for its own sake.
Well, I am still 42, and still a forensic psychiatrist, but since my original entry in this thread a couple to things have changed. First, my system now retails for around 16K (though I mostly bought it used for considerably less). Secondly, my idea of where diminshing returns start is now at around the 30-35K retail point. Lets hope it stays there.