What’s your obstacles on the way of listening

Summer time is coming, birds are going crazy, saws and grass cutters are buzzing, hummers are knocking, leaves are rustle... what else is on the way of your listening? ... my best season of listening is Christmas time and fallowing couple of months. Looks like Arctic Circle geographically the best place for critical listening:)... lucky Alaskans and North Canadians :)

Showing 1 response by musicfan2349

We live on a pretty quiet street. No through traffic. I never listen in the mornings as I prefer quiet starts to the day. But the afternoons? Lawnmowers, big jets sometimes (We live under one of the flight paths for Paine Field) and sometimes the neighbor's visiting grand kids. And of course, my wife. She works from home until 1700 so out of respect I headphone or just play Halo in my office. But that works both ways: Sometimes she's not overly fond of my musical tastes. <grin>
So my serious listening sessions are typically when she's off someplace or I'm in a mood for Jazz (and she's not cooking). We negotiate and get by.

Happy listening.