What’s your latest high-end audio purchase?

What’s your latest high-end audio purchase?  It can be cables, tweaks, components etc.  Also, please share why you purchased, what it replaced, and any additional tips and insights regarding your purchase.  

I hoping for this to be enjoyable and educational, so please be civil of other’s opinions and choices.


Showing 2 responses by td_dayton

by audiogon standards it's mid at best but i just got a pair of AT-540ml cartridges - never had microline carts of my own before. it's a huge step up from the ortofon blues (nude elliptical) i was using as "daily drivers" for most of the last year. early impression is they're nowhere near as good as my nag 200, which is also elliptical shape, but i am very happy with them - they track perfectly and are both more detailed and substantially smoother through the mid and highs than the ortofons. closer in overall sound to the ortofon 2m black. 

re: impulse purchases (chemically influenced or otherwise), i deliberately disabled paypal on my phone. it’s not equipment in my case though - discogs and bandcamp can (and have) very quickly blow(n) a crater in my budget...if i let them 😂