What’s your latest high-end audio purchase?

What’s your latest high-end audio purchase?  It can be cables, tweaks, components etc.  Also, please share why you purchased, what it replaced, and any additional tips and insights regarding your purchase.  

I hoping for this to be enjoyable and educational, so please be civil of other’s opinions and choices.


Showing 1 response by akg_ca

System synergy is a variable and bespoke thing.

I so far have recently migrated my entire system interconnect cables array to new CARDAS CLEAR interconnects, and upgraded to new mix of CARDAS CLEAR / CARDAS GOLDEN REFERENCE power cables.

The last missing piece (and currently a WIP) in my Yellow Brick Road to Audio Oz, is an upgrade to one of its stablemate CARDAS CLEAR or CARDAS CLEAR REFERENCE speaker cable models.