What's your investment threshold?

This question only goes out to those like myself who enjoy the system gains running better cables bring.  Non-believers can save their money and comments for another thread.

Do you impose on yourself a percentage range for cable spending relative to other components?

Speaking for myself, I do consider cables to be a component decision worthy of budget, but I seem to have stayed in the 10-30% range of what I've spent on other components.  I can't see spending $1k for a cable on a $1k component for example.  I have spent $1,500 for speaker cables for a $6k amp.  That seems nearer the high end of my range but it still fits. 

I realized I haven't planned this as a hard rule, but that's kind of how this has worked out for me over time.  Anyone out there think a much higher percentage is justified?  I won't argue because these improvements are worth all the enjoyment you can get, so more power to you.


Showing 2 responses by jmcgrogan2

Do you impose on yourself a percentage range for cable spending relative to other components?

No. I don't crunch numbers, I listen to music.
That doesn't mean that there aren't cables that I can't afford, but I don't look at any system percentages when buying, only $$$ values.

I have spent $1,500 for speaker cables for a $6k amp.

Does $1,500 speaker cables count as compared to your amp, or your speakers, or both?
I think most of us here have a governor on our wallets, bur we also probably prioritize differently. It seems as if owning the "top of the line" product is a high priority for you.
None of my components are "top of the line", but I do own a couple of cables that are "top of the line" . Though to be honest, when buying, I never really consider where what is in that company's hierarchy.

Mainly I am prompted by finding a good price on what I am looking for.
I am talking about real price, not list price, and buying used is not a problem for me.

The ARC Ref 5SE preamp that I just bought, I waited 2 years to find one at "my" price.
No, the 5SE is not top of the line, but it is a very fine preamp, IMHO.
So while I do not play the percentages game, or the top of the line game, I am fine with playing the waiting game. We all have our methods.

Bob Grost at Cerious Technologies makes very fine cables, great bang for the buck. I have not heard any of his Matrix line yet, but I'm sure that I will one day. Enjoy!