What's your favorite remake of a song

I know most remakes fall short of the original, but I suspect that it's usually due to the fact that the original was known and popular. The remake usually pales by comparison, but I've heard a few things lately that I really liked, and wondered what others have enjoyed...

Showing 1 response by bdgregory

Many of my fav's are mentioned above.

Cowboy Junkies released a CD called "'Neath Your Covers". It was actually a throw in with "One Soul Now" when I bought it. Among the songs on 'neath your covers are 3 I like better than the original:

"Thunder Road" (Springsteen)
"Darkness, Darkness" (The Youngbloods)
"Helpless" (N. Young)

Darkness. Darkness is especially notable as it's already one of my favorite songs.