What's Your Favorite Party Music?

What do you put on when you wanna get people moving? I'm strictly talking high db here. I've worn out some of my old favs and am looking for ammunition for the next big P. Need suggestions to audition.

I'll start out with a few of my old faithfuls. 1) "Showdown" (1985): Albert Collins, Robert Cray and Johnny Copeland take turns rifing on the guitar. 2) "Cold Snap" (1986): Albert Collins does the same thing by himself. 3) "Seconds of Pleasure" (1980) by Rockpile, semi obscure effort with Dave Edmunds and Nick Lowe.4) "In Session" (1999): Albert King w/ Stevie Ray Vaughan, what can you say about those two? 5)"American Music" (1980 rereleased 1997) by The Blasters; really obscure swinging rock party music.

Showing 1 response by jfacker

CFB, you forgot to mention "Metal Machine Music" which always gets things going...another good choice to break the ice and help everyone feel relaxed is anything from Einsturzende Neubauten, I like "Halber Mensch" myself. Then you can throw some video material from the Brothers Quay on the ol' tube to augment the fun tunes...