
Discussions jfacker has started

Seeking repair tech in Nashville for REL Strata III amp problems37515
Turntable service in Albuquerque?51054
Really wild-looking tube amps33316
Anti-jitter device with I2S output?43407
quandary: inefficient speakers, low-power amp976012
Help Alien spores on my vinyl...326710
Music Hall MMF-5: laid back sound?1200826
phono preamps with a subsonic filter?139259
Review: Audio Art Cable IC-3 Interconnect218697
Ever used hybrid power amps?49527
KT90 experience?61105
Bias problem with ASL integrated27522
Biamping towers with tube/SS combo--am I nuts?34336
Subs with balanced inputs?420812
Just acquired some vintage Stax cans SRX Mk. III127834