What's your experience with snooty HiFi salesmen?

I began my Hifi journey in 1976 at a shop in Birmingham MI called Audio Dimensions. He was a Magnapan and ARC dealer who was kind to a 15 year old kid who bought a set of MG 1s with paper route money. The ARC amps he carried were about $4K back then- a LOT of money in 1976. In the beginning I drove my MG 1s with an old Fisher Studio Standard integrated amp. Since those lovely innocent days I have encountered some real buttholes. They act like they are doing me a favor as they quiz me about what gear I have and if I'm listening to "approved" recordings. Needless to say I don't buy from those guys. Several wives and businesses later I'm back into the hobby with a much vengeance as a 61 year old  can muster given only so many free hours in a day and only so much cash to apply due to my other vices: Classic cars and salt water fishing. 

Have you ever encountered a really good or really bad dealer (or employee) that changed your buying actions?

Darko posted a video on this topic which I found really enjoyable. Many of you have already seen it but for those (like me) who discovered it much later here's the link: 


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mates, you gotta walk in the door and say "bitches, i am here to spend my momey on hifi! it hurts when I can't spend my my money!" you get attention faster

No experience. If you want to help me and make a sale, be nice and show me why I should buy your product. There's so much rubbish on the market that you have to keep your eyes wide open, and your ears paying full attention.

Rude salesmen lose sales.

Audio Vision in San Francisco is as snobby as they come, and seem to be more interested in stroking their egos. If you don’t look like you can afford the stuff, they talk down to you and actually make snobby jokes at your expense...never had this happen to this extent despite being in the hobby for over 40 years. I’ve owned some very exotic stuff from Wilson, BAT, AR, Focal Utopias, Krell, etc. most purchased new from local dealers. (I've finally settled on SET and home brewed stuff). So sad...some dealers just don’t get it.

Newbee, I think your attitude is a tad bit harsh. Even if we are very busy people we have to allow for others in a social interaction. We as individuals are just not too important for that imho. Many young people are trying to earn a living. It’s completely okay for them to want to socialize and if they are sales people, to eant to succeed in meeting their quota. Doesn’t mean one is obligated to buy anything. If we love audio and so do they, that’s common ground. Most will not try to force too hard, and will understand if you are not interested in buying anything but what you have interest in. In a box store such as Best Buy, many of those employees will be impressed with the knowledge and experience many of us audiophiles possess. I just think its good to share positivity with people, especially young people.

I'm also glad to see Natural Sound mentioned.

I started going in there back in the early 90's as a college student. They were always patient with my tire kicking... I took advantage of their trade up policy and assembled a system I still have today.

Recently,I would drive by there wondering if they were doing OK, with all the internet sales and discounted websites.As I haven't been in the market for a long time. I eventually decided to upgrade my B&W speakers.

After a couple demos at a different dealer, for a brand NS didn't carry and one they didn't stock. I scheduled a demo for a pair of Revel speakers at NS, Mark was more hands on than the other salesman, but never pushy or rude. After starting me off with a few tracks he recommend, he let me choose my music and volume level, while he leaned back and nodded his head  along with the music. I ordered the Revels a few days latter!

Aaron at Safe and Sound was also great to deal with. No pressure, but a few hints as to what he liked or thought I would.

He even demoed the speakers with the amp I bought from him a month ago. He just set up the speakers, handed me a tablet and said take as long as you want.

I bought the amp after my second visit as I sometimes feel guilty for wasting their time.