What's your experience with snooty HiFi salesmen?

I began my Hifi journey in 1976 at a shop in Birmingham MI called Audio Dimensions. He was a Magnapan and ARC dealer who was kind to a 15 year old kid who bought a set of MG 1s with paper route money. The ARC amps he carried were about $4K back then- a LOT of money in 1976. In the beginning I drove my MG 1s with an old Fisher Studio Standard integrated amp. Since those lovely innocent days I have encountered some real buttholes. They act like they are doing me a favor as they quiz me about what gear I have and if I'm listening to "approved" recordings. Needless to say I don't buy from those guys. Several wives and businesses later I'm back into the hobby with a much vengeance as a 61 year old  can muster given only so many free hours in a day and only so much cash to apply due to my other vices: Classic cars and salt water fishing. 

Have you ever encountered a really good or really bad dealer (or employee) that changed your buying actions?

Darko posted a video on this topic which I found really enjoyable. Many of you have already seen it but for those (like me) who discovered it much later here's the link: 


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Showing 5 responses by esarhaddon

Sorry if this rant is a repeat!

In the metro Denver area, you will be hard pressed to find a quality Audio store. Yes there are stores that sell quality audio equipment, but their sales staff leaves a lot to be desired. From one store that only has an Xbox of a disk transport and the system that holds great promises& public admiration, can’t play a single note below 100 hz.. Yes something is wrong with that. then you turn to the oldest store (approx 45 yrs in the business) in the community where the sales person asks you that you currently use in hopes of providing something near equivalent to start with and then hooks you up to the most obnoxious pieces of flotsam and on top of that didn’t have ANY kind of disk transports and couldn't fine any sample music you bring in on ANY of his streaming sources. If you end up buying something ’IN SPITE OF’ your salesman’s attention to you, you should be rethinking you choice of stores. From now on I think I might have to travel at least as far as Ft Collins or possibly Albuquerque, as these idiots here don’t deserve to be in business and that totally takes away from the purpose of buying locally.

I will say there is one store (in the tech center) that I haven’t visited as when I was last searching for equipment, they were in the process of moving and didn’t have much of anything set up to show off.

It isn't the quality of the equipment that these store have. It was their equipment that brought me into the stores. It was My Preparation to make sure they could accommodate me, their arrogance, their inability to provide a professional experience and finally paper thin walls between listening rooms. That just doesn't fly with me. I cold have gotten a better experience at Radio Shack. At least there you know what to expect and can accommodate for that i you own mind.
Another store that yo did not mention and notice again I am not going to say it. Their sales man after hearing about my previous experience went all the wany to ask me what I had for a system so that he might try to match it. Only he connected some tiny 2way bookshelf speakers to a Mac and though he would reproduce my home experience with full sized towers. Also when he couldn't produce anything that I had on a lengthy music list or means to play either a CD or DVD Also, those 2way bookshelf speaker were EXCELENT speakers in their own way. I would love to put some of their towers next to mine and compare them. but a tiny 2way is never going to sound like my towers. Had he chosen to connect to proper speakers that he had in front of him and been able to play something I know! He probably could have made a sale, but I ended up getting a far less expensive AV Receiver just becasue I know what to expect for NAD instead of something that NO ONE was able to demonstrate to me. WhY else would I g to a brick and mortar store?



Yes Sir, If yo notice my posts, I TRY to NOT name names unless someone brings it up. The story is the important part. I hope to get down to the tech center and check them out. By now they should have their new store all set up and possibly they will be the new face of Audiophile equipment in Denver. There sure isn't much competition.
There was one outfit up around 40th and federal (close by) they operated out of an old house. They advertised the MOST ELITE of all equipment, but from what I could tell they didn't actually have any equipment set up . They were just a broker. I haven't seen anything from them for about a year. But you had put down $100K just to look at their web site hehehe.


I would consider that a Great Honor to join. Warn everyone that I am an OLD  country boy so sometimes the way I express myself don't come out the way is is meant. hehe!
>but yes I will be filing the paperwork post haste.

Just being able to compare notes  would be so wonderful. And of course I hope that a good hearted argument isn't forbade.

And I won't list my entire bio here but I started out building (rebuilding) an old tube amp with a couple of 12" TV speakers to amplify a basic tube radio, in 66 or 67.
Started designing speakers in the late 70s while still in College at USC...


If you have any influence wiht the Directors as CAS. I refuse to deal with PayPal

they are a crooked corrupt org that steals people money. I can’ make arrangements for a check or pay cash in person as long as I can get an official receipt.
The pay button show credit cards but no link to pay by them.