What s wrong with Krell HTS?

I'm looking to buy an A/V preamp for music and HT and I noticed lots of used Home Theater Standard's for sale at attractive discounts. Is there something wrong with this unit? Is ths Proceed AVP better, easier to set up, etc.?

Showing 2 responses by sabertouch

I have an original HTS and after looking at "upgrading" to the newest version, have decided not to do so. Too much price penalty for not much improvement. Only bypass was meaningful addition. According to Krell, who I discussed this area with in depth, performance was identical, future upgrades are to available for both units, size and finish are cosmetic. No reason to change unless one is afflicted with the "got to have the latest model fever". I have my HTS in a high end HT Sysem and couldn't be more satisfied with its sound. Sometime frustration with software surfaces, but ALL processors have some software idiosyncrities. Good buys at present on old HTS's
Incidently, Irv Gross of Krell's Sales and Marketing Dpt., sent me a recent email stating their official policy on warranties on used equipment sales. All warranties on products mfg after 1-1-2000 would flow to subsequent owners if original purchase was made from a licensed Krell dealer and copy of original sales invoice accompanies the sale to the new owner as proof. Some Krell dealers have been stating that only used Krell products purchased from a Krell licensed dealer would maintain original warranty. This is misleading statement and not Krell's warranty statement. I would be happy to forward a copy of this recent email to anyone requesting it.