What's wrong with a DVD player as a transport?

Just wondering if there is some technical reason a dvd player won't perform as well as a cd player? Also why would a changer not perform as well as a single disc player? Please answer with technical reasons. Thank You

Showing 1 response by warnerwh

Personally I can't hear anything missing. I've been using an inexpensive Sony DVD changer as a transport into a Bel Canto DAC 1.1. I'm moving this player into our HT system and am replacing it with a Sony Dvpnc 555es as a transport.

This player allows you to turn off the video circuitry and appears to be very well thought out. Although it costs much more than the player it's replacing I don't expect to hear any difference.

I have about a 15k system and don't feel I should spend more on a better transport. My system sounds so good already I'm quite satisfied. Moving a bass trap in my room would be more of a difference than between transports.

I appreciate everybody's input. I'd like to hear from an engineer who could say why a dvd player won't work as well as a cd player for a transport though.