What's with website?

Well my friends, we are all here because of the internet and web pages,their front doors to the cyber world and our common topic of Audio is a super-narrow niche.

So I have a question - 

What manufacturer's or seller's internet front doors to the web are great?   Which are crap?  And why?

Which sites are easy and fun to use?  Which are torture get what you want?

When someone says "That site SUCKs" what does that really mean?



Showing 1 response by 4krowme

Oh man, I do agree with misspelling, lack of grammar. I will wade through reading so much of it and then stop short. To be a bit clearer, I am referring to websites and not so much forums such as this one. I realize that English may not be the first language of some of the posters here. Then I read a post from someone who just didn't do well in spelling but has a good point to share. Again, I get it. It is those who ramble with words tied together, no or little punctuation and the like. If there is no more thought than that being presented, why bother?

          "My fellow Americans." That raises an eyebrow despite intent.


  I believe that the OP has legitimate questions about what may be the best way to catch a reader's attention. Ironically, I just started a thread about ads myself. I wonder how much they matter when a poor ad still sells a product, and other well presented ads do no better. I just read an ad about a product here that gave almost NO description but had decent photos. I guess you Google the product and then decide.