What`s with the Hyperion HPS 938

Last year when the 938 went on the market , one rave review followed the other ,everybody seemed to be amazed with the level of performance this 4k speaker delivered. But the last months ,more and more stories appear of people hearing the 938 and dislike them very much.
One guy bought them for 1500usd but returned them after a trial home!!!
Or Steve Rochlin and companions are deaf or there is something really strange going on.

Showing 5 responses by celebrer_le_temps343b


Which Hyperion pre-amp are you using - the tube or the solid state one? I'm looking for feedback on their P25T.

Ecclectique, the 938 extends lower in the bass than the Response 3. It's much more transparent too and gives better depth.

Well, I just got mine. Settled on an used ARC LS15 pre and Krell KSA100 to drive the bugger, must say that the combo sounds better than at the dealer's place. The speakers are not yet fully run in for that matter.

Maybe the lowish price of the 938s misled those guys into using lesser electronics which do not bring the best out of the speakers. Of course I agree with Newbee and Krell-man that the room acoustics play the most important part.

Ctchen's post prompted me to dig further (I stopped searching for reviews and users' comments after deciding on the purchase) and find the contrast in the comments very interesting - 90% liked what they heard. The main complaints are regarding the lower mid/upper bass which are in themselves conflicting; some said that the speaker sounded lean in this frequency range while others claimed that the speaker sounded too "dense" in this region and add some chesty coloration to vocals.

I find my 938 to be very neutral in my setup so I gather all boils down to the front end electronics and room acoustics. Btw, I was using a pair of Proac Response 3 before the 938 came along.


Sorry to sound rude but I think the 938 is several leagues above the Forrest, having heard both extensively. My personnal experience is that the 938 reproduces faithfully what is fed with, so care in matching electronics and cables are critical. For that matter, I dun think MC275 can control the 8" woofers of the 938 as well as the 6 1/2" woofers of the Totem.
