What's up with the ridiculous offers?!?

Is it just me or are the high volume of low-ball offers surprising anyone else?

Example: I list an item at 60% off what a current, desirable  component sold for new, and I get an offer for half (or less) of what I am asking! I've have been buying and selling high end audio & video gear for over 40 years and I know the value of gear, but I have never experienced such an destructive trend. I expect it from Craigslst or at a garage sale, but not from Audiogon.

I understand an occasional low offer, and it's usually accompanied with an explanation or apology for the balz it takes to make such an offer, but I am getting absolutely offensive offers for more than 75% of what I list.  

Are there any other sellers that would like to commiserate with me? Am I missing something? Is it just me?

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greginnh, I like it. That is exactly what you do. Buyer should make a formal offer and the seller either accepts it or makes a counter offer. This is work in progress.
I think there are many low-ball offers around, but also many sellers asking for unrealistic prices (I am not implying that you are one of them!). I understand is hard to swallow the loss when you are selling an equipment you bought new and you took lot care of it, but the market always wins...
I just put an offer in of $20 on the op's listing for a jvc projector and selected the $450 overnight shipping option.
You know, by reading this thread, you might think that someone is forcing our poor unsuspecting sellers to sell gear for less than they are willing to take.

i once bought a piece of equipment- my initial offer was accepted without any question- only thereafter to be told my offer was a lowball offer. That was interesting!

I think it’s time for this thread to die.

I think we need to keep a sense of humor. Yeah, it's bad, a soft market perhaps. Back when I was trading here on a more frequent basis, I would mention that I was willing to except reasonable offers, but that "low ballers will here the dead silence that this gear offers between tracks!"