What's Up with Magnapan at Shows?

Years ago, Magnapan presented an amazing 5.1 classical music presentation with Audio Research. Beautiful music, awesome sound, no gimmicks. Now every show they play the Wizard of Oz game with something behind a curtain.

I don't get it....just play music and let the consumer decide!
@ Josh358

The 3.7 does not put out as much bass as the previous models!

Look at Magnepan's published specs:

MG IIIa 32Hz to 45 KHz +/- 3 dB

Mg 3.6 34Hz to 45 KHz +/- 4db

Mg 3.7 37Hz to 45Khz +/- ??? Hz

That says it all, the 3.7 bass response is not as low!

Probably due to back EMF interference in the series crossover.

Google Series Vs Parallel Crossover for info.

Mark Winey wanted the crossover small enough to fit inside the speaker, and
eliminate the external box, and that was a design tradeoff!

There are many posts and reviews on the internet about lesser bass on the 3.7.

Now they want to sell another panel to bring back the missing bass.
The difference in the published specs between the 3.7's and 3.6's are I'm sure accurate, and the difference may well be in the crossover. I can tell you that I am most happy to give up a little between 37 and 34 hz in order to receive the benefits of the new crossover. The new series crossover is much smaller, but it is a much better crossover in many ways. In either case, if you want to fill out the 20 to 40 hz region you are going to need a sub.
I'm not privy to their R&D department's doings but the .7 series is pretty darned good.
The demos at the shows are timed so they don't keep the next group of people waiting which would be rude.
The dealers have the luxury of handing you the remote control and letting you take your time, shows are different.
Sounds like there are some axes to grind in this thread. Kind of weird, in an industry of manufacturing components in China, you have a company that has refused the temptation for big profit increases to stay in the US. Haters gonna hate I guess.
Getting the low end response of the six foot Magnepan's does not usually happen in the many systems I have heard. The room and objects in the room must be just right. The 3.7's in Valin's and Hp's rooms do not do much below 45 Hz! The IIIa's and 3.6's do go down to 30 Hz in most properly setup rooms. 10 to 15 Hz is a huge difference!

How many other speakers manufacturers use a series crossover? It is a poor design choice.

Box subs with Magnepans never give coherent low bass, that is no solution.

Bass reproduction below 30 Hz is a mess in the home, due to uncontrollable peaks and dips! A flat response is not in the game.

Besides there is not hardly any missing musical info below 30 Hz! So just avoid the inevitable frustration, and only go down to 30! The IIIa and 3.6 will, and the 3.7 won't. Why is the 3.7 better? I do not buy the Hype!

The little, extra, bass panel attempt at improvement is BS!