What's Up with Magnapan at Shows?

Years ago, Magnapan presented an amazing 5.1 classical music presentation with Audio Research. Beautiful music, awesome sound, no gimmicks. Now every show they play the Wizard of Oz game with something behind a curtain.

I don't get it....just play music and let the consumer decide!

Showing 5 responses by don_c55

@ Josh358

The 3.7 does not put out as much bass as the previous models!

Look at Magnepan's published specs:

MG IIIa 32Hz to 45 KHz +/- 3 dB

Mg 3.6 34Hz to 45 KHz +/- 4db

Mg 3.7 37Hz to 45Khz +/- ??? Hz

That says it all, the 3.7 bass response is not as low!

Probably due to back EMF interference in the series crossover.

Google Series Vs Parallel Crossover for info.

Mark Winey wanted the crossover small enough to fit inside the speaker, and
eliminate the external box, and that was a design tradeoff!

There are many posts and reviews on the internet about lesser bass on the 3.7.

Now they want to sell another panel to bring back the missing bass.
Getting the low end response of the six foot Magnepan's does not usually happen in the many systems I have heard. The room and objects in the room must be just right. The 3.7's in Valin's and Hp's rooms do not do much below 45 Hz! The IIIa's and 3.6's do go down to 30 Hz in most properly setup rooms. 10 to 15 Hz is a huge difference!

How many other speakers manufacturers use a series crossover? It is a poor design choice.

Box subs with Magnepans never give coherent low bass, that is no solution.

Bass reproduction below 30 Hz is a mess in the home, due to uncontrollable peaks and dips! A flat response is not in the game.

Besides there is not hardly any missing musical info below 30 Hz! So just avoid the inevitable frustration, and only go down to 30! The IIIa and 3.6 will, and the 3.7 won't. Why is the 3.7 better? I do not buy the Hype!

The little, extra, bass panel attempt at improvement is BS!
" The crossovers in the .6 series speakers could sound pretty awful sometimes especially with french horns and female voices. Ice picks in the ear drums bad."


That is your digital recordings reproduced accurately !

There is no frequency response spec. from Magnepan on the 3.7, just a range!

Which is meaningless!!!

You need a measurement with +/- dB.

The older models also state "minimum average in a typical room".

Jim Winey was more of a "fanatic" than his son Mark, I have met them both.

I live in Saint Paul, and know people that use to work at Magnepan. It is a nice very small, family operation. They are good honest people.

Why did Mark Winey refuse to submit the 3.7 to stereophile for testing, saying the the frequency response was proprietary? LOL! Because it sucks for a speaker priced close to $6,000! That's Why!

Do not argue!

Just rent a professional, calibrated SPL meter, use the Stereophile test CDs, and find out for yourself! If you want them setup right, in your own room, that is necessary! I own both the IIIa and 3.6 and have done that, in several rooms. I have done a quick check with a hand held RTA on the 3.7 in different rooms, and they do not go as low.

As far as the 3.7 suggested better "COHERENCE" goes. What is that??? And how do you measure that???? Every Magnepan from 1970 on is "coherent", and I have heard most of them.

IMO Magnepan reached the end, with the previous models. Now the reviewers bring up "problems" with the old models (that they never mentioned before) to make the new ones appear better and increase sales! It is an old trick! And it has been repeated by every audio company and reviewer forever.

If you like the 3.7 that's fine, good for you.

The reason Magnepan refused Stereophile's testing, and review of the 3.7 came from a post on AA from John Atkinson of Stereophile!!!

It is no rumor!