What's Up With Jane's Addiction?

Perry and Dave clearly have unresolved issues.



Showing 2 responses by mswale

Hopefully they get this all worked out, going to see the concert next month! Can't wait, last time was Lapaloosa in 1991. Janes was one of my favorites in high school. 

Several years ago, saw Fleetwood Mac with the original crew,  You could feel the anamosity between Lindsey and Stevie. It made me feel uncomfortable. They were both fighting for the spotlight the entire show, both trying to outdo the other. Still a great show, also a very memorable experience. 

That is the 2nd tour that has been canceled on me this year, the first was The Black Keys. Getting tired of getting tickets to only be canceled later. Both times, I got early fan club access, both shows got really good tickets. 

It all started when I got 3rd row center tickets to Rage Against the Machine, was so, so excited, then Zac broke his ankle, it's been downhill ever since.