What's up with ads for $70,000 speakers selling

for $5,500? Martin Coltrane for $5,500, Wilson Max ll for $6,500 two days ago. The sellers are from Europe with zero feedback. This is becoming the norm and I am disappointed with this trend of dishonest sellers permeating this site.

Showing 3 responses by marakanetz

Hi at this moment I'm in Nigeria and can't access my accont in Landan. Can you WU me $6000 and I'll send ya speekas once I combak?
It's not audiogon's fault. It's Africa and other Third World countries becomming more hi-tek with easiness of the internet access especially around resort areas. Even if they succeed to scam $30 out of your account or poket, they'll be very happy. For you it's just family dinner money, but for them it's nearly twice the monthly income. There are also countries that don't have strong identity security vs. United States that probably has the strongest around the Globe.
There are different professions and occupations that people use to make living or surviving and not all of them are college education based for sure! If YOU happen to believe and bite this kinda bait, it's YOUR negligence and YOUR fault.
As you might think ahead, there will be more adds like that in the near future so get used to it. Flagging them for removal as soon as you see them is the ONLY way to prevent anyone from community to be a victim and the size of our community I guess will and should only help to get rid of them before any fool will bite this bait.