What's the latest word on the Emotiva UMC-1?

I just bought the Oppo 83 blu-ray player, and now see the Emotiva website says the UMC-1 processor is in initial shipping mode. At only $700, is this processor really of great quality and a bargain compared to the likes of more expensive units from Onkyo, Integra, Marantz, Rotel, etc? I'm looking to spend under $3,000. For strictly home theater use, would you go for the UMC-1 or what other product?
Companies are not interested to give you the whole truth when their product have probel, are defective. Emotiva is no different than others, Toyota neither.

You can believe the company or believe displeased customers.

where did I get my information? From a Quebec forum where people were praising the UMC-1. It was almost chearleading.
which one would receive is UMC-1, which one was on the pre-order list. It was the best thing on earth.

Then they started to received their cherist umc-i promising to give a full review.

Nice looking, solidly built...shit I'm unable to use this and that. "I email the company and they told me it was a firmware issue and that it would be fix in 2 to 3 days.

They finally return their emotiva. I think it's sad for them.

Finally, from AVS:

Negatives ----
1. Sub sounds like King Kong is on rampage most of the time with most bass (this is not Calibration related and not good for tinnitus)
2. EmoQ does not seem to work correctly!
3. Locks up frequently (first 3 times powered on but don't hold the front button 5 seconds as it seems to set defaults just toggle power switch)
4. There are more just check the Emo forum but keep in mind there are many cheerleaders and folks can get banned and their posts deleted for being to blunt. And I have experienced most of the other verifyed bugs.
5. Levels seemed to be off and going back to level calibration confirmed this.
6. Long in the tooth in some ways at release.

Positives +++
1. The video processor in my situation was very nice.
2. Sound was very clean and with sparkle
3. With bug fixes would be right there with the big guys?
4. Emo staff are great and the return policy cant be beat.
5. No-brainer if you are upgrade eligible.

Why am I sending back?
1. My current unit is solid and working now
2. Paid full price and a even blind man could have seen the bugs before shipping.
3. Bugs, bugs, bugs, bugs.


So beleive people or companies it's your choice.
Speavler, I'm glad that your's work as you were expecting. Enjoy.
Lol. This cracks me up! Two years of waits, promises, and garnered expectency for so many "sounds good features", and for what?!
If I ever touch the piece on the used market (shear morbid curiosity), I'll wait till they've had it reviewed, fixed all the bugs at least 2 or 3 times, after send backs, and I know it's some little great deal prepro, er whatever. Otherwise, I'll just sit back and laugh at the results they put out, having waited through the circus show they errected since early 2008!!!
Emotiva is in the US, unless Nashville left for Canada. Virtually ALL electronic products are assembled or manufactured in China in some part. Try to make capacitors in the US. The EPA will have a field day with you. Do not let that bother you. Emotiva has made or is making parts for companies such as Krell, Sunfire, etc for years. They have great state side support. For the buck hard to beat.....
Sometimes you get what you pay for and there is no such thing as a free lunch. This has to be the worst pruduct roll out in history and I think we will have to wait a couple years to see if they are worth it.

it's too bad things are as slow as they have been for this co. other companies have had some release issues too regarding projected shipping dates... Oppo comes to mind for one. their BDP turned out to await nearly a year from it's orig ship date. They had some issues to with firmware updates & bug fixes. however they do seem to be more 'with it' with respect to achieveing a resolution.

The statement about getting what one pays for is apt way more often than not, and sometimes subjectively overpaying becomes the rule for less eventful ownership.

Then again, such are the ongoings for brandy new products that are ushered out prematurely. I say prematurely as it appears insufficient testing and a need for revenue immediacy gained more import.

it could also be timing. Poor judgement of the time frame for all to be implemented well. Time too probably will remedy things eventually. I just find it in poor practice to promote a debut which was severely shortsighted at the on set. Promises like those put off more than warm up.