What's the deal with the Machina Dynamica Clock?

Just my uninformed and untested opinion, and maybe I am wrong, but this Clever Little Clock sounds more like a Clever Little CROCK to me. Any true believers are welcome to enlighten me, but don't expect me to whip out the credit card just yet. Don't mean to "tick" anyone off. Note: sarcastic skeptical scoffers are also very welcome to post to this thread. :)

Showing 4 responses by listener57

Although threads about "tweaks" inevitably contain more jokes than information, in my listening sessions there is a sense of clarity (or, perhaps detailing is better word) with enhanced micro and macro dynamic contrasts when called for by the recording.
Just as with any component change, there is some apparent improvement right away, as well as what seems to be further effect with listening to more and more familiar recordings, noticing more in recordings already memorized.
I agree with the implication that it is a leap of faith to try many ideas(a leap safer than skydiving), but isn't that part of the fun with our hobby? When trying out this tweak I am confident you could get a refund if such a purchase were to flunk your own listening tests. It's all about enjoying the music, to steal a famous phrase.
Each time when I took the CLC from my office to my home, carpool pasengers spontaneously remarked how wonderful the selections on the local classical music station sounded that day. Since we're talking about a sixteen year plain old GM Delco FM radio, the CLC is doing something to catch such unsolicited attention by usually inattentive passengers.
If the hypnotic digital display flashings of the clock were to actually tell the correct time then all the shortcomings in my old Chevy Caprice could be rectified at the same time.
No, I don't get better gas milage with the CLC, despite what the website claims. Just kidding. I really am a fan, having bought a second one of my own free will.
Sorry for the duplicated postings. Did not intend to overwhelm the thread by brute force.
Albertporter, Thanks for taking the time to provide a translation of the review.
I love my two CLC's, but this translation made me laugh uncontrollably (no, my supply of medicine has not run out) and repeatedly. It can certainly qualify as the funniest "review" of any tweak ever offered from any vendor.
Imagine the unintended hilarity if we single-language Americans had to write down our thoughts in Italian?
If one simply listens in his/her best system to ten favorite recordings then a listener should reach a personal conclusion which is valid for that individual.
Isn't that how each of us ended up with a different playback system?
Happy Holidays to all of my fellow seekers after AUDIO TRUTH