What's the best sounding dome tweeter available?

I'm thinking of trying the DIY route for a pair of full-range speakers. In your opinion, what is the BEST dome tweeter available and the best place to buy it?
Thanks and happy listening!

Showing 5 responses by tweekerman

The best drivers for DIY kits are offered on e-speakers.com...i've got a design in the making...if you want to know more email me
i've asked a simular question on madisound...and the speakerphiles told me that question has too many conditions with it..xover design is very important..you may want to consider ribbons in your tweeter search
That VIFA RING radiator tweeter really sounds awesome..seems to qualify as a top 21st century driver...i may have to eventually get a pr...put that with the scanspeak 10 inch woofer. or the focal 11WX..WOW!!!
VIFA RING(1K) + SCANSPEAK 10 (500) + xover + cabinets..for under 2K... and what commercial could touch it?
Ehider where can i take a look at these 3 tweeters..the vifa tweeter i saw had like a pointed siler tip on the tweet..looked like a very unusual design.....so your best pick is the HIQUPHON...i would love to A/B the hiq with the philips isodynamic RT8 "ribbon"..RT8's sell for $275/pr...how much are the HIQ?