What's the Best Bluetooth Streaming Receiver w Dac under $500?

In my primary system I have an Aurender n100h and Schitt Gungnir Mulitbit Dac, Primaluna amps to Martin Logan Ethos speakers - which all sounds terrific.

I'm looking to cut the budget for the streamer, dac, amp from $8,000 or so to under $500 for my ski house.

Suggestions on the best Bluetooth Receiver (50-80 watts) for Streaming with a decent dac built in for under $500?


Showing 3 responses by skoczylas

Rereading your email I guess you are looking for a streamer with an amp - the node isn’t an amp so you would need an amp or to run it with powered speakers or the bluesound speakers.  
The bluesound node 2 has excellent sound and includes Bluetooth streaming. I found you need to spend a lot more to beat the sound of this streamer and dac. I removed my other dacs from the system because it sounded great on its own. It’s 500 dollars. 
I would go with a cheap Yamaha. The key is to get one of their stereo receivers not the home theater one.  They manage to get the nice yammy sound even in their low cost units. Plus they look really nice. Crutchfield has some Bluetooth stereo receiver options well under 500.