What's the best and/or favorite piece of equipment you've owned? And do you still own it?

My favorite piece(s)  are  (and I still own them) the Martin Logan Ethos lousdpeakers and Soudsmith Paua cartridge.  As far as speakers go, electrostats are my favorite and will replace them with another set of electrostats.  I'm currently eyeing MUR Audio SP1's.  These two pieces make my rig sound great.  

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After many years  in audio and going through so much equipment, I can't say I miss any particular piece of equipment. My present setup is best I've had, I expect future changes will also be upgrades. At this point in my audio evolution I find I'm no longer nostalgic over past components.

If I was to wax nostalgic about any one particular piece, it would probably be recalling the experience of hearing my CJ MV55 tube amp after many years of exclusively running SS amps. Twenty some years later, tube amps only for me. Also, still own the CJ amp, likely will never be used again as Its bettered by all my present tube amps.