What's the 911 on re-tips?

Pick up  a used super expensive cart for pennies on the dollar and re-tip with a grade A needle and boom!... you have world class cartridge on the cheap.


I'm sure there are lots of negative opinions on this concept but is there any deals to be had?


Showing 1 response by drewdawg999

+1 for Steve Leung at VAS.  Sent my old Koetsu Black to him which he repaired and re-tipped.  Couple hundred bucks, not totally cheap but reasonable considering the skill of the micro surgery required.  It's sounding outstanding, perhaps as good as it's ever been, so very happy with the service.

Not sure what your price range is but I'd figure you'd be out at least a grand including re-tip for something of higher quality, so not chump change.  VAS also sells modified versions of the Denon 103 for great bang for buck.  But getting your hands on a broken Koetsu or Lyra or similar class I don't think is all that cheap.