- TriPlanar VII: great synergy, dynamic, lively and energetic right up to the point of edgy (but not beyond unless there's a problem in the system), read my Airy 3 review for more detailed impressions
- any Schroeder: very slightly mellower, less detail and microdynamic punch but better instrumental and vocal timbre, better soundspace information, gloriously musical, the Ref will match or slightly beat the TriPlanar, lower models won't quite match it unless the characteristics described are especially important to you
- not a Graham 2.2: it couldn't handle the Airy 3's great dynamic energy, over the edge of edgy no matter what we tried, Cello's ears are still bleeding a year later
It might be pertinent to ask what turntable this setup will be used on. Most arm/table combinations are probably fine, but some are definitely not.