What's my next evolution in the analog venture?

What does $1000-1500 gain me? Are new TT's in that price range going to significantly (subjective I know) step over my Technics? I have approx. 300 records and adding quite frequently to that. I listen to everything from Miles, Norah, George Strait, Phil Collins and anything classic rock (Journey, Triumph, Boston, Etc.)

My current setup consists of:

Technics SL 1700 (original) w/Ortofon om40 cart
MF V-LPS phono
Rotel integrated and cd player
B&W 685's
AntiCable and Signal Cable speaker wire and interconnects
I agree with HDM My vinyl is about as quiet as my CD player...except for the scratches...(just talking surface noise.)
Maybe I made a mistake. When I say surface noise I'm referring to things like tick's and pop's. If thats what we are talking about, in my experience, I find that type of noise increases with resolution.
I appreciate all thoughts and opinions. I guess upgradeitis is kicking in and thought I might venture further down the analog path while completely understanding that there is always a point of diminished returns when it comes to audio equipment and money spent.

My current system sounds good but obviously it could sound better. Better meaning more money spent on higher performing equipment usually.
I have found that the better my table, the less noise I hear. Unless you are referring to gouges and scratches, a good table/arm/cartridge will tend to be quieter in the groove and thereby offer greater dynamic range. My table is basically as quiet as my cd player, which I never use anyway.
Take your $1500, sell your technics and add that to your fund, and buy something around $2000 used and you will have entered the better world of analog. You could pick up a Sota Star, VPI Classic, Oracle Delphi or Basis 2001 for that amount, each of which would be superior to your Technics. Get a nice MM like Clearaudio Virtuoso or Ortofon 2m Black or MC like Dynavector 10x5 or 17d which would mate well with that level of system.