What's it worth if you sold it today?

Many people discuss what their system cost vs. list price, etc., but recent times have caused people to sell off equipment for more essential needs. I don't carry my audio equipment on my "books" as an asset that I could liquidate, but I thought about it yesterday (what I'd raise by full sell-off) vs. what I have in it. This is what I came up with:

Retail $31900

Paid $24900

Sell $16900

The Sell price will drop off fast as my system includes an expensive pre/pro, which tend to lose value quickly. Anyway, what would you get? -Kirk


Showing 1 response by tireguy

Kirk-Sell it all and go to Vegas and have a blast, get the most expensive call girl in the state and party! Well....ummm maybe that should just be a dream, keep it if your happy and worry about the what ifs when(if ever) you need too. btw I wasn't kidding if I had 16.9k of your money I would go to vegas and party :) don't worry I'd take pictures for you!!
