What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report

I enjoy vinyl and digital (lately, with recent changes, vinyl actually sounds better than digital to me), BUT given what seems an overall preference for analog/vinyl on A'gon, I'm curious what the non-vinyl "1/2" is listening to. I tried to see if this was a previously posted question. Did not seem so.

This evening for me, it's Genesis (definitive edition remaster) "A Trick of the Tail".

A new release...
Chic Corea and Steve Gadd Band, "Chinese Butterfly".  Haven't listened to all of it yet but like what I have heard A LOT.  

Title track:
Michael Brecker - Now You See It...(Now You Don't)

Some very enjoyable ensemble playing with MB again leading on his third studio album.  

Track 5 (Peep) here:
Okay, Nutty!  Bozzio Levin Stevens...I really enjoy Black Light Syndrome - especially tracks like Duende and Book of Hours.  Their Dangerous Situation is good too.  Who'd have thought Billy Idol's guitarist a Flamenco fan?

I tried finding that Kevin Hayes Trio, Live at Smalls on Spotify or Tidal with no success.  I watched a few seconds of a couple clips on YouTube and enjoyed his keyboard playing.  SQ was not that great, however (cymbals mic'd way too close and loud).  If you can provide a link to a good source, please do.  

Meanwhile, check out Alboran Trio.  You might enjoy them.  Here's a track from their first album, Meltemi.  Stay with it for at least two minutes.  The way it starts is not what it becomes.  


Kevin Hayes Trio, Live at Smalls.

IMO, one of the best relatively recent jazz albums. Supreme recording quality and performance. Playback on a mega system can be an awe inspiring experience.

The Appleseed Cast - Low  Level Owl Vol. 1 & 2

...a suggestion from my friend, Pokey.  It's massive.

Track 5 from Volume 2
Bill Connors - Return

Excellent recording (music and SQ) led by the O-riginal Return to Forever guitarist.  Outstanding performances throughout by pianist Bill O'Connell are especially noteworthy.

Track 8 here...Nobody Yet To


nutty - going by memory (increasingly risky) of impressions from a couple days ago...I think that S/T release had a more "open" sound...breathed a little more. Also, I think there was more variety in the sound track to track. I don’t mean variable sound quality as in some good & some bad - more that the engineering (and instrument arrangements) seemed to deliver a broader range of sonics (think of a painter that uses a different color palette painting to painting). Tracks on What Happens Next seem to vary less sonically. I did note reference to the same producer as worked on AC/DC recordings...maybe that explains things. There are certainly exceptions - Cherry Blossoms differing a whole lot from, say, Catbot. The S/T seemed a little more "experimental" whereas most tracks on WHN seems to be cut from the same cloth. That’s not necessarily intended as a criticism. I think I read the schedule for recording WHN was pretty tight being sandwiched between other commitments. So those are my thoughts. Thanks for getting me to finally listen to Satriani...sometimes it’s like I been living under a rock. I’ve been on a E.S.T. & Yellowjackets jag last few weeks. The Satriani is a good break from that and given the depth of his output, plenty more to explore (I did spend time with Crystal Planet too). Thanks again.
Thanks for positive feedback on Satch! What is your impression regarding the sonics/production of the Satriani ST?

Was way wrong about Satriani.  Enjoyed the heck out of What Happens Next, now listening to his 1995 S/T release as per another Nutty suggestion.  Great stuff.  
Thanks for the suggestion. New music ideas always appreciated. I admire Satriani’s technical skill but like Malmsteen there’s no emotional connection (at least for me). But I’m curious how an instrumental project w/Glenn will sound. Thanks again for the tip. It’s on Tidal so I will check it out
hey ghosthouse,
Not sure how much of a fan you are of Satriani.
His newest, What Happens Next, featuring Glenn Hughes and Chad Smith is pretty decent. They sound very relaxed together. However it’s instrumental- Glenn Doesn’t sing, unfortunately. They really gel. Tracks 7, "Headrush", Joe is on fire but Glenn Hughes has some serious bass licks throughout.

And the TItle track, "What Happens Next" is notable as well.
I think its a solid effort.

Breif interview with Joe and Glenn below.

Ian Moore, Modernday Folklore, just one cut from this one today-
"Muddy Jesus" its fantastic!

Ian Moore, And all the Colors
Solid thru-n-thru, "room 229", "Float Away", "Johnny Cash and his Electric Bible and more. Another great Texas gunslinger.

Post removed 
Listened to some Lana Del Ray. What a voice. Was in the mood for something on the softer side and relaxing. 
The Flamin' Groovies: Shake Some Action (produced by Dave Edmunds); Dave Edmunds: Get It; Marshall Crenshaw: #447; The Everly Brothers: 24 Original Classics; Nick Lowe: The Convincer; v/a: True Faith (Mojo Magazine bonus CD included with the December 2017 issue, with covers of Dylan "Christian" songs).
Paul Gilbert, Get out of my yard
"Full Tank"
"Twelve Twelve"

King Crimson, The Power to Believe
"Happy with what you have to be happy with"

hey ghosthouse, 
Regarding your post on "Polycarbonate Disc Bliss: The CD is alive and well"
I really enjoyed the Andy Summer selection. Trying to locate a copy.


Michael Brecker - "Now You See It, Now You Don't"

Magnus Ostrom - "Searching For Jupiter"

Tonbruket - "Dig It To The End"

Balloons (Track 2)
Michael Brecker - "Now You See It, Now You Don't"

Magnus Ostrom - "Searching For Jupiter"

Tonbruket - "Dig It To The End"

Balloons (Track 2)
Yup.  Found a review of Moontan (posted it) and noted the track you mention.  Based on your earlier comment about how big an influence, figured the Merle in the title might be Travis.  

First takes are fine, but it's nice to have played the song at least once before you're in the studio, or at least heard it! Dylan has written songs while the recording band sits around playing cards, but he has a big recording budget. On the Moontan album, the bass player and second guitarist didn't have a chance to learn the songs before recording began, so Evan and I played them alone---to get the basic rhythm tracks, and all other parts (and vocals) were overdubbed. Evan plugged his Telecaster into a Fender blackface Super Reverb, not his normal amp (a Deluxe Reverb, many player's favorite). The engineer put the amp in an isolation closet, and Evan turned it up to 10. If you've heard a Super (Stevie Ray Vaughan's choice of amp), you know how loud that is!

Speaking of Merle Travis, one song on Moontan is entitled "Shootin' The Merle", an instrumental tribute to the man. The album is half instrumental, half vocal, all Evan.