What's happened to the used high end market recently?? Sales are tough....:0(

The heading says it all!! What do you guys think is the reason that the sales in the used high end market have gone soft??
Prices too high? Economy too slow?? Stock market too volatile?? Something else??


Showing 5 responses by snapsc

I’d like to throw out one more concern on the resale topic... if you scan the items for sale on audigon, then scan a bunch of threads...what you may notice is the same 100-200 names... not a very big pool of regulars who might be potential buyers.... which then pulls more buyers and sellers to eBay, Craig’s List, etc. which seem to be lower price alternatives.  

Kenny, you would probably being doing people a big favor if you gave more details on where you sold your gear, what % of the retail price you ended up with and any other tweaks that might be helpful
I don't think the market has gone soft but I do think the market has changed which means that the sellers have to change as well.

Lets face it, there is new "latest and greatest" technology and sound gear coming out all the time (if you believe all the hype).   (hmm, kind of reminds you of the car business??)  That automatically and significantly devalues all but a very small percentage of audio equipment.  Why?  because in most cases, I can try the new gear in my home for at most a couple hundred dollars of shipping...and if I buy pre-owned gear, it may take me quite a while to resell it if I don't like it...and if I paid too much, I may incur significant further depreciation.

Here is a real world example.  Most people don't know if they really want to take a chance on an open baffle loudspeaker....so they could buy a new Tekton OB sigma for $1750 or a Spatial Audio Hologram M4 for $2k...and if they don't like them, spend a couple hundred to ship them back after 60 days.....  Here is a current listing on Agon (  https://www.audiogon.com/listings/lis8j0bc-tekton-design-ob-sigma-open-baffle-hybrid-full-range  ) for an OB Sigma for $1450 delivered...or $300 below the new OB Sigma price.  Why would someone already skeptical  about open baffle spend 83% of retail????  They wouldn't. 

One might argue that audio is like automobiles....it devalues 25% when you take possession, 15% the second year and 10% the third year....in most cases....maybe not a corvette and maybe not a pass labs amplifier.

My belief is that the market is ultimately sending a message that many of the products listed for sale are priced too high and as a result, they languish for months waiting for a buyer.

I suspect you are correct about the declining market ( but only for current technology type high end products)

Maybe tekton is disruptive and hopefully there will be technologies and products that reinvigorate the market.

Following up on your comments about Tekton and/or others pricing new products reasonably....from a buyer perspective, knowing that 50% depreciation is likely, most buyers would rather suffer a $1500 loss over a $15k loss... obviously.

For now, I suspect that most buyers can only afford to buy the expensive stuff if they can get it as a preowned at a pretty good discount. 
There is also a risk factor...  if I buy new from a store I may be able to negotiate a price and try it at home.  no risk

If I buy new from an internet dealer.. I can pay a few hundred dollars... or less and return it if I don’t like it.  minimal risk

If i buy a used item that lists for $1000 and pay $650 (35% discount) and don’t like it... I own it and have to resell it.... but the risk/loss is a lot less painful than a 35% discount on $5000 piece... so, to take the risk on a high price unit... the market wants a bigger discount.